Services for Providers
CCR&R can be a provider's best and most trusted resource to enhance a program. Here are just some of the things your CCR&R can do for you.
Market your program to parents online with information and pictures. Directions for creating your online provider profile can be found here.
Provide on-site technical assistance to assist with specific challenges through one of the Provider Initiatives
Guide individuals interested in becoming a licensed child care provider
Refer parents to licensed providers in our databases
Offer low-cost training and workshops
Set up toy-lending, resource libraries and other services
Answer questions and give resources via email, telephone or in person
Link providers with other providers
Provide a monthly or quarterly newsletter with trainings in your area, activities for children and information on a variety of topics.
Give providers information on grants when available, subsidies and other financial help
Consult on how to create a safe, healthy environment that is good for all types of people, including children or families with special needs and immigrant parents and their children.
Explore online courses to meet Oklahoma's annual training requirements. Courses, including CDA, are registered through CECPD's Oklahoma Professional Development Registry. Para CDA en Espanol.