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Services for Providers

2021 FCCH Kits from Lakeshore

CCR&R can be a provider's best and most trusted resource to enhance a program.  Here are just some of the things your CCR&R can do for you.


  • Market your program to parents online with information and pictures.  Directions for creating your online provider profile can be found here.

  • Provide on-site technical assistance to assist with specific challenges through one of the Provider Initiatives

  • Guide individuals interested in becoming a licensed child care provider

  • Refer parents to licensed providers in our databases

  • Offer low-cost training and workshops

  • Set up toy-lending, resource libraries and other services

  • Answer questions and give resources via email, telephone or in person

  • Link providers with other providers

  • Provide a monthly or quarterly newsletter with trainings in your area, activities for children and information on a variety of topics.

  • Give providers information on grants when available, subsidies and other financial help

  • Consult on how to create a safe, healthy environment that is good for all types of people, including children or families with special needs and immigrant parents and their children.

  • Explore online courses to meet Oklahoma's annual training requirements.  Courses, including CDA, are registered through CECPD's Oklahoma Professional Development Registry.  Para CDA en Espanol.




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